NREMT transition courses are not required for Colorado EMS providers as Colorado scope of practice and education standards currently meet or exceed the National Scope of Practice. Colorado EMS providers may submit a copy of the letter below when applying for NREMT recertification. Order fake Emergency Medical Technicians certificate online, buy NREMT certificate, order fake EMT certificate, purchase fake medical certification.
NREMT transition requirements
The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) board of directors is committed to implementing the “EMS Education Agenda for the Future: A Systems Approach.”
Included within this agenda is the National EMS Scope of Practice Model.
Individuals must meet the minimum requirements of knowledge and skills outlined in the National EMS Scope of Practice Model to maintain National EMS Certification.
Transition dates and processes that certified EMS providers must follow to obtain National EMS Certification vary according to the level of EMS provider and are outlined in the NREMT Transition Policy.
Scope of practice and education standards currently meet or exceed the National Scope of Practice.
A “state approved” or “state mandated” transition course isn’t required.
As always, medical directors and agency training officers are responsible for making sure their providers are kept current on treatment modalities, equipment, medications or changes in national and local scope of practice and clinical care.
The National Registry requests the recertifying EMT or Paramedic provide documentation that the transition has been completed.
Since there’s no “state-approved” transition course, we’ve notified the National Registry via letter that applicants from Colorado won’t have a “certificate of completion.”
Those recertifying via electronic applications will have their continuing education, refresher and transition verified by their agency’s training officer or program representative.