Cost to make a fhwedel urkunde, order Fachochschule Wedel degree, buy Germany degree. The Fachhochschule Wedel University of Applied Sciences is a well-known private university with approximately 1.300 enrolled students. Our institution is located in the Hamburg Metropolitan Area in Northern Germany. We steadily adopt current developments in the economy and integrate these new standards into the curriculum. This guarantees the excellent quality of our academic programmes, which in turn helps our graduates in finding jobs easily. In fact, 90% of our bachelor graduates have already signed a job contract by the time they finish their studies.
FH Wedel University of Applied Sciences maintains close connections to multinational companies. Co-operations are established via internships, theses and joint development projects.
FH Wedel currently offers eleven bachelor’s programmes and six master’s programmes.
We aim to provide our students with an education that will yield them excellent job and career opportunities once they graduate. For this purpose, our efforts in teaching extend beyond factual and methodical knowledge – we strive for our students to develop the character traits necessary for positions of responsibility in companies, organisations, as well as administrative bodies.
The tuition that we offer comes in interdisciplinary and well-adjusted degree programmes in the fields of informatics, engineering, and business. All teaching strikes a balance between theoretical foundations, current developments and practical application.