Where to buy Odessa National Medical University degree, Odessa National Medical University diploma, buy Ukraine diploma. Odessa National Medical University was established in 1900. This university is a member of the European Universities Union and is the biggest Medical University in the Ukraine.
In 2007, Odessa State Medical University was positioned 107 place in the world’s universities list. The courses includes the equipment with the state-of-the art modern medical technologies.
The campus was built on a 27.000 m2 field and consists of 18 blocks, 48 clinics, 6 dormitories, a library which has about 1 million books, a publishing department, computer center, sports center and a modern guest house on the coast of the Black Sea.
1 September 1900, a significant event that left its mark in the history of medical education in Ukraine and for many years identified her perspective, was the opening of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Novorossiysk.
Faculty had bright prospects because great world-renowned scientists worked in it. Before the opening of the department was completed, major buildings and clinics were constructed with the latest construction and architecture. Admittedly, this was the most prestigious faculty and medical establishment of the time.
However, this good start was suspended because of Russia’s war with Japan, the revolutionary events of 1905-1907 years, the First World War 1914-1918 years, the October Revolution of 1917 and the civil war. After the elapse time and the destruction of the old system of higher education, new foundations began to be make its ascent. The positive things that were founded in the pre-revolutionary times soon began to bear fruit.