How to order fake Tokyo Institute of Technology degree, 東京工業大学学位記, buy fake degree in Japan. Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokodai) is a top tier university, leading the world in Science and Technology. As one of Japan’s most reputable institutions of higher learning, the Institute has undertaken education and research of the highest quality since 1881. Last year’s 130th anniversary was a perfect reminder to refocus on our three pillars: People, Research and Contribution. Through the nurturing of creative people at the top of their scientific fields, and the promotion of cutting edge research, we always strive to contribute in meaningful ways to society.
The Institute has three undergraduate schools, six graduate schools, five leading laboratories and multiple research and education centers producing graduates who excel in conducting research that meets the demands of society and industry. Nothing gives us greater pleasure than to be the first preference when it comes to employers seeking to recruit top engineers, or students choosing a career in science and technology. Our faculties and departments are active in the most advanced fields and occupy an important position in the global academic community, thanks to their internationally recognized research.
We have initiated twelve projects so far with the support of the 21st Century Center of Excellence (COE) program, sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology (MEXT). In addition, five projects in 2007, three in 2008 and one in 2009 have been selected for the successor program called Global COE, which will further enhance the functions of research and education in the university. The Institute also secured funding in 2005 as a super COE program from MEXT and established an Integrated Research Institute (IRI), which aggregates and disseminates knowledge across departments in order to create solutions for the future problems of society, from energy security to the effects of burgeoning medical costs. The Institute is also active through many educational programs.
Seven projects were launched as part of the support program for improving graduate school education by MEXT in 2007. The Productive Leader Incubation Platform and Gender Equality Center began life in 2008. Emphasis on creativity as part of our educational philosophy has produced a great number of famous graduates, including Dr. Hideki Shirakawa, the 2000 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry. One key mission of the Institute is indeed to foster creativity in our students, but creativity built on a comprehensive grasp of the fundamentals of knowledge.