How to order fake Edexcel Functional skills qualification, buy Functional skills certificate, buy fake UK certificate. Functional skills are the skills that were previously called Skills for Life. They are the skills we all need in our lives. Unions have been active for over 20 years in helping members and others to improve these skills, and will continue to do this, using Functional Skills.
With functional skills time needs to be devoted to developing the learner’s ability to transfer skills to solving problems in real-life contexts; a learner centred approach involving build – practice – apply.
FAQ for ULRs
What about qualifications?
In the final qualification assessment a wide range of skills is tested. Learners are assessed on their skills, and also on the way in which they apply these skills to a variety of test problems.
What is functional skills qualification reform?
From September 2019 onwards functional skills qualifications change so that there’s new content and new assessments. Unionlearn has gathered the main points of the reform in a briefing document.
Find out more in our Q&A about the temporary flexibilities that apply for English and maths assessments for the summer 2020.
Apprentices who have not already achieved GCSE grades 9-4 (A*-C) in English and maths will have to be offered learning towards either Level 2 functional skills or GCSEs. So, if your workplace has an apprenticeship programme, you need to make sure that functional skills are included, and are being properly assessed and taught by the employer and by providers. You will have a key role as a union rep in supporting the learners and ensuring that the quality of provision is good.