How to buy fake City College of New York diploma, make a CUNY City College diploma, make a fake CUNY diploma. The City College of New York—the flagship school of the City University of New York system—has remained committed to educating a diverse student body for 174 years. Undergraduates can choose from over 70 majors.
The Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership, Grove School of Engineering and Division of Humanities and Arts house popular programs. A key program at CCNY is the Sophie Davis Biomedical Engineering program at the CUNY School of Medicine, which allows students to earn their bachelor and master degree in seven years. City College is home to over 20 research institutes with specializations in the sciences, engineering and social sciences.
The college funds hundreds of projects that undergraduates take part in. More than three-quarters of the student body identifies as non-white, and over 80% of students hail from New York City. Prominent alumni include former Secretary of State Colin Powell and former mayor of New York Edward Koch. The college has 10 Nobel laureates as graduates.
The City College of New York was founded as the Free Academy of the City of New York in 1847 by wealthy businessman and president of the Board of Education Townsend Harris. A combination prep school, high school / secondary school and college, it would provide children of immigrants and the poor access to free higher education based on academic merit alone. It was one of the early public high schools in America following earlier similar institutions being founded in Boston (1829), Philadelphia (1838), and Baltimore (1839).
The Free Academy was the first of what would become a system of municipally-supported colleges – the second, Hunter College, was founded as a women’s institution in 1870; and the third, Brooklyn College, was established as a coeducational institution in 1930.