How to make Contra Costa College fake diploma, buy a Contra Costa College certificate, buy a college diploma online. Contra Costa College is a higher education institution located in Contra Costa County, CA. In 2021, the most popular 1 to 2 Year Postsecondary Certificate concentrations at Contra Costa College were Liberal Arts & Sciences (368 degrees awarded), General Cooking & Related Culinary Arts (7 degrees), and Autobody & Collision Repair Technology (4 degrees).
In 2021, 1,662 degrees were awarded across all undergraduate and graduate programs at Contra Costa College. 68.1% of these degrees were awarded to women, and 31.9% awarded men. The most common race/ethnicity group of degree recipients was hispanic or latino (863 degrees), 2.11 times more than then the next closest race/ethnicity group, asian (409 degrees).
The median undergraduate tuition at Contra Costa College is $1,288, which is $−6,680 less than the national average for Associates Colleges ($7,968).
The total enrollment at Contra Costa College in 2021, both undergraduate and graduate, is 5,631 students. The full-time enrollment at Contra Costa College is 1,353 and the part-time enrollment is 4,278. This means that 24% of students enrolled at Contra Costa College are enrolled full-time compared with 32.5% at similar Associates Colleges.