Some who stopped by the booth asked for OLA demonstrations, but most attendees were already familiar with the system. As of early December, 96.3 percent of eligible diplomates were participating in OLA; combined, they have answered more than a million questions. Where can i buy fake American Board of Radiology certificate, order a fake ABR certificate, buy fake US medical certificate.
In the Discovery Theater, Brent Wagner, MD, our board president, made an OLA presentation, as he has done at several association and society annual meetings. He and I also hosted a refresher course for those already involved in OLA. Both were well-attended and had audiences with questions and comments. As an experienced ABR volunteer and the person who will take over as executive director when Valerie Jackson, MD, retires in the summer, Dr. Wagner is an OLA subject matter expert.
The annual meeting also presents an opportunity to gather with key stakeholder groups, including our DR MOC and Initial Certification (IC) advisory boards.
Diplomates who are not ABR board members make up the MOC advisory board. They meet regularly to assist the ABR by evaluating our MOC program from the diplomate’s point of view and by offering suggestions for improvements and enhanced user experiences.
The IC advisory board comprises non-ABR board member residents and fellows as well as the past president of the Association of Program Directors in Radiology.