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Secrets to get a Universität zu Kiel degree safely

Universität zu Kiel degree, Universität zu Kiel diploma,
Universität zu Kiel degree, Universität zu Kiel diploma,

The Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel ( CAU ) is the only full university in Schleswig-Holstein. It was founded in 1665 and is named after its founder, Duke Christian Albrecht of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf . The university is the oldest, largest and best-known university in Schleswig-Holstein. Alumni and researchers of the university have been awarded 12 Nobel Prizes. How to make a Universität zu Kiel degree, phony Universität zu Kiel diploma, buy a Germany degree.

Since 2006, the CAU has participated in the Federal Excellence Initiative with a graduate school and two clusters of excellence (“ The Future Ocean ” and “Inflammation at Interfaces”). Since 2018, it has again had two clusters (“ ROOTS – Connectivity of Society, Environment and Culture in Past Worlds ” and “ Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation ”), making it one of the most successful universities in the nationwide competition. The university is internationally known above all for the Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel.

The Christian-Albrechts University has been growing for years. In the winter semester of 2017/2018, 26,462 students were enrolled at the university. In the winter semester of 2018/2019, there were more than 27,000 for the first time. The university is organized into eight faculties, where over 400 professors teach. The university offers a wide range of subjects with 190 courses of study.